Abstract Noun class in Hausa is a vast category of the lexicon that have many groups in it, for instance, there is a group of proper nouns, collective nouns, common nouns, countable and uncountable nouns, etc. This research titled ‘Abstract Nouns of Psychological Feelings in Hausa’ (SUNAYE NA BADINI MASU MOTSA RAI NA HAUSA) is a review and analysis of this group of nouns with particular reference on their types and the degree or level of their feelings. The research also, reviewed on the features of this particular group of nouns in phonological process, morphological situation and syntactical analysis as individual words, their features in phrases, as well as their features in sentences. The work is divided into two major parts. The first part covering the third chapter of the work is titled ‘Noun Class’ it presented the word classes, the noun class and the various sub-groups of the noun class, including ‘Abstract Nouns’ and it represented the meaning of abstract nouns and their type...